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Germany Berlin for a weekend (August 2013)
Overview: Please see the live Blog Germany blog starting Aug, 2013. new


Berlin in a larger map

Germany (Munich for a wedding) for 1 week (August 2008)
See Lonely Planet's site for more info or their map

We used Susan's frequent flyer miles to fly 1st class on Lufthansa (thanks Susan!) to Munich for my cousin Guido's wedding, followed by a few days of romantic R&R in Venice!
We also visited my good friend Sandra and her family in nearby Leipheim.

Germany (Heidelberg, Rhine, Mosel) for 10 days (mid - late August 2003)
Look at the slideshows
See Lonely Planet's site for more info or their map

A few notes from my journal:

Thankfully the heatwave was pretty much over.
Highlights include: visiting friends in and near Heidelberg, wine-tasting and castles on the romantic Rhine river, and more wine-tasting on the Mosel river.

Some handy links to more info:
The highly recommended winery with B&B in Wehlen on the Mosel river -- we had a fabulous room and the hosts were friendly.
The 140 wine tasting cellar in Bernkastel on the Mosel river.
Rick Steve's Germany info -- Rick is a popular Seattle-based guidebook author of the series "Europe Through The Back Door" and his recommendations are always great. His guidebooks cover the best parts of countries (usually to be seen in 3 weeks), not everything; and his lodging and food recommendations are almost always great!
For info on the 15-wine tasting carousel, see the "Eating in Bacharach" section.
Want to see more info or buy Rick Steves' books from amazon.com? Click that link and I get a commission from Amazon :-)

  Last modified on 2014.09.07 6191 visitors since 2006.07.25
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